Tuesday, August 20, 2019

July and August... somewhere here

Clearing the books in my collection...
some good some not so good...
hardbacks with print on paper pages.

clouds above the Sevier Plateau      2019
this process always brings out things you forgot you had or where they were at...
thus is the case with an old friend i read years ago...
Edward Abbey, the old desert rat that he was....

" Wealth should come like manna from heaven, unearned and uncalled for. Money should be like grace--- a gift. It is not worth sweating and scheming for."

"High technology has done one great service: It has taught us the delight of performing simple and primordial tasks--- chopping wood, building a fire, drinking water from a spring..."

Blm ground looking east to the Sevier Plateau   2019
" The world exists for its own sake, not for ours. Swallow that pill!"

i might add that it is most of all our proving ground to live on/in and not too destroy.

" Though men now possess the power to dominate and exploit every corner of the natural world, nothing in fact implies that they have the right or the need todo so."

Hay field after cutting #2 for the season... 2019

" Music begins where words leave off.
Music expresses the inexpressible.
if there is a Kingdom of Heaven, it lies in music."
There is nothing better then the cooling sound and feel of sprinklers on a sunny hot summer morning.

Some places in our town, and on earth, someone has decided we do not need to go... Rocky Mt Power Solar array field is one of those places in our small town...
the view from outside the fence...

" Death is every man's final critic. To die well you must live bravely."

" Life is too short for grief. Or regret. Or bullshit."

"Life imitates art---- but badly."

"Power is always dangerous. Power attracts the worst and corrupts the best."

" Our 'neoconservatives' are neither new nor conservative, but as old as Babylon and evil as hell."

"Society is like a stew. If you don't keep it stirred up, you get a lot of scum top."

" Mormonism: Nothing so hilarious could possibly be true. Or all that bad."

So much for the found book of my friend Edward Abbey...

See you in block 16... 
Cheers to your day...
back to sorting and making books.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Day one of June

The first day of June... rather nice day...
drive about town, it's all still there...
warm enough for a cold lemonade...
made a few new images...
home, read, get bored with TV... uck !
cut-out fold punch sew small leather bags...
trying some new things with rivets...
watch the yellow gold sunset and eat dinner...
wow, just now 9pm and still light out...
summer must be around here somewhere...
maybe a bit more boredom, then off to bed...
Cheers to the new month and day...
come what may and love it.

Friday, May 31, 2019

the last day of MAY 2019

The Last Day of May 2019...
where has it gone... wind rain snow sunshine
and everything spring brings, only more...
will be back in a week or so when all settles...
the warm is coming the thoughts also...
Cheers for now.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Spring Summer rain and sunshine...

  You can tell spring/summer is coming to town cause the wind blows the trashcan bags inside out...
the inside out wind sock... spring coming          2019
it still rains or snows one or two days out of a week just to keep one guessing and the tourists wondering what the heck is going on here... ??
the days are light longer, brighter, and sunnier but the elevation we can't get to change so before the sun comes up or when it goes down it's still cold... just cause its southern Utah bring your coat you will never be out of style !

morning post office run, this day rain            2019

Take the day in the morning as it comes, layer-up and peal off if necessary as your day goes on and put it back on come evening... just part of the learning curve here in this part of the country. Wow great score i just found/obtained a ton of wood stove pellets at the local hardware store... something to heat the house early morning and late evenings... wood heat better the gas or electric !! That's one check in the box off the to-do list... the list is getting smaller and Easter is just around the corner, Jesus Christ,  Last Supper, Gethsemane, Suffering , Death and Resurrection on Sunday Morning... all for us... and remembrance of hope and joy from me/us.  Then maybe bunnies, colored eggs and a ham dinner, by a warm evening fire.

used car and rental lots are full...        2019

The local lots still have some holiday vehicles for rent, available for the season if you forget to bring your own... 

Wood box #1 puzzled, work in progress...           2019 

Oh yes and there is always something brewing in the studio... a little slower this year then in the past...
Potted trees on driveway starting to leaf out, grass is greening up... and my daily scripture reading moves on, i am grateful for the insights and prompting that come daily.
Look forward to getting my "Zen stool" outside and sit in the warmth of the daily sunshine. So much for this day, a hand full of cheetos and a Reese's peanut butter egg, orange fingers and chocolate lips smelling of peanut butter... 
Cheers to the season...

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Three glasses of water, pants and no teeth...

Morning Snow before getting on to the Post    
Just another day of fighting with cabin fever...
sitting in the rocking chair upstairs waiting for my breath to catch up with me...
Why three glasses of water on the desk ???
you have pants that fit downstairs, wear them...
put your teeth in...
so what am i going to do today if i don't have all this stuff waiting for me to do... turn the heat up, swallow my morning pills then put the teeth in... give one glass of water to the dog and drink the other two today with lunch and snacks... and the pants, just punch another hole in the belt and pull tighter.
it's a bright blue sunny day... maybe i will just go sit in the sunshine and read today...

and eat a bag of chips... salty chips... not baked!!
This way i can wait for the delivery man to bring my new picture storybook and Zen garden stool so when spring/summer gets here i can sit outside and suck up D3, warm fresh air and read whatever the next book will be... wearing my hat and sun glasses... and drinking chilled water, from my hydro flask, insulated of course.
The best tasting water is cold "winter water" not the summer water that we are collecting now with all the snow and rain we are getting... along with puddles and mud. i did notice they must have opened the diversion dam cause the creek is running high and fast today. It's important to plan ahead for the day to stay busy... i can deal with the pants issue tomorrow cause they are staying up right now.
i hear US Grant calling now and the evening news, or whatever they call it now-a-days...
Besides its time to go pee again, all the water ya know...
stop by again as you pass bye...
CHEERS for now...

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Hay... there's a lot of Snow out there...

Where has all this white stuff been coming from? Most from the west of us after it floods California, the pineapple express i believe they call it..., the coast takes some, then the Sierra takes some as it goes over the hump, then races across Nevada and hits the Rockies and we, Utah, get dumped on as it all moves East, the weather train...
It's been a pretty white winter here in southern Utah, hope most stays in the high mountains and we will collect it during the spring melt and use it wisely... i hope.

looking out the back door...              2019
even the rain we get before or after the snow does not melt it away, just turns it all to ice then more snow... high temps not getting into the mid 30's to 40's on a good sunny blue sky days. Then it tosses some wind in there from the north or south depending on the day... the good thing i see is the birds are coming back into the valley, that adds movement and color to the white ground cover. Or i can go out looking for color spots on the countryside...

Old used car bone yard out the river lane...         2019
This breaks up the white blanket we have had most of this season... something about old worn color and rust and long afternoon shadows... someone else's gold sitting in a field in front of their house. The fun part is what me and the dog have to go through to get out of our driveway to go on these adventurous/sojourns into/onto the valley floor... but we do have a great crew of snow plowers here in the valley.

Shadow on the car sun screen as we prep to head out...        2019
This is my dog sticker that hangs out on the windscreen and peeks in on the sun screen, as we defrost the window...         
he is a great nine pound toy poodle companion the jumps all over me in the house until we go for these rides about town to see whats changed in twenty-four hours since the last ride, he barks hello to all at the post office stop, and all his four legged friends about town he sees.

deice the the windscreen is next...             2019
Once we get the sun screen off the windscreen we have to clear ice, with the defroster or scraper, so we don't drive about blind, which some days feel like we do...
so its heater to max, blower full tilt and no outside air coming in to cool the heat coming out the vents...
then all we need worry about is the snow pushed to the sides of the road and the slush and ice that's left. Then off and about we go for about a forty-five minute drive, looking for and making images with my camera as we go.

The road is a black stripe you follow...            2019
 We make the rounds after poststop and errands about town and check the "hotspots" around town and look for changes...
Then it's back home to stay warm for the remainder of our day, and yes there is a nap on demand by the dog each day... thanks mr. deeks your a good companion !
So that's about an hour and a half of one of my/our winter days. Find the Good in each day and use it wisely, know that God loves you and be of good cheer.

CHEERS from winter in Panguitch , Utah !

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

It appears to all be the Zame from... here

Panguitch, Utah looking west...                            12/23/2018
i have not done a new years hangover for near on fifty years now, in fact i can't even stay awake till 10:00 PM let alone till midnight to see bright colored fireworks... so i just see whats there in the morning of the first day when i wake up. Most cases its all the zame, no major changes here unlike some parts of the world of late, volcanoes, earthquakes, waves, bombs or explosions to change or alter the landscape and take human life... pretty quite mostly. Sure can't tell in this image that its eighteen degrees out this day.
Panguitch, Utah looking south out my back door...                           12/30/2018
Now this is a different image, two degrees and the CHRISTmas  snow sill on the ground with us... the sun that is out is pretty warm, if one sits behind the back door window basking in it to stay warm, gain some vitamin D and keep the blood flowing through the vessels... the dog rather likes doing this, thats who i  got the idea from...

A good bowl of hot soup helps a great deal also... now for the drag days of cabin fever, tasty busy and catch-up on reading and unfinished projects, and get the creative juices fired back up and get to work again even if i am suppose to be retired.
I did miss this government shut down, but did get to live through the last one... and did get paid retroactively after the reopening...